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Cleaning Products

Important things to note:

  • Ensure toys are dry prior to returning them.  Wet toys in a container turn into smelly slimy toys – yuck.

  • Baby wipes can damage some toys, please be careful if you are using these.  They can take pictures, stickers and colour off toys.

  • If your child has been sick, please be extra careful about giving toys a good clean.

  • Sunlight helps kill bugs!  After cleaning the toys dry them with a towel and place them in the sun for some extra bug-killing power.

Clean toys are important - they are nicer to play with and help stop the spread of colds, flus and other bugs

How to clean toys:

Costumes & Puppets

Please carefully hand wash before return or check with the Librarian. If they are heavily soiled you may need to get them dry cleaned.

Battery Operated Toys

DO NOT put battery operated toys into water.  Wipe with a damp cloth.


Plastic Toys (not battery operated)

All duplo can be washed/rinsed/dried easily.  A zipped net bag or colander dipped into washing water and then rinsed is quick and easy.

Many toys can be easily cleaned with the dishes in the sink.  Remember to dry thoroughly.


Baby / Toddler Toys

Please clean and disinfect baby toys by adding a good sized amount of white distilled vinegar to warm, soapy water.  Rinse with clean water and dry.  Toys are always in the mouths of babies and toddlers, so they need to be cleaned well.


Puzzles & Games

Wipe pieces with a damp cloth if needed.

Wooden Toys

Wooden toys don’t like to spend too much time in water.  Please wipe and dry them well.  Avoid using spray and wipe products as they can damage the finish on the wood.


Ride On & Outdoor Toys

Please check outdoor toys for no sand or water.  If they have had big dirty adventures give them a good wash.  It helps keep the mud and mess out of your car as well.

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